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WSM Attorneys Featured in Video on H-1B Hurdles for Emerging Companies

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WSM Attorneys Featured in Video on H-1B Hurdles for Emerging Companies

November 9, 2012

WSM managing partner Kirsten Schlenger and associate attorney Stephanie Smith shared their hard-won legal expertise on obtaining H-1Bs for emerging companies recruiting key talent in a video posted yesterday on the website Schlenger and Smith were featured in the video along with Andy Nacsin, Vice President of Operations at Concrete Interactive, one of WSM's emerging-company clients in the software application development space. "There's just a war for talent right now out in the software world," Nacsin said, adding that his company decided to retain immigration counsel after getting a glimpse of how complex the H-1B process can be. Even when newer companies have solid footing with U.S. offices, a solid business plan and funding, they still can face higher levels of scrutiny by the USCIS based on their newness or small number of employees. While being interviewed at our office in San Francisco, Schlenger and Smith explained how immigration counsel can help navigate the myriad roadblocks that pop up during the process, so that client companies can focus instead on doing what they do best. We look forward to sharing more immigration legal and best practice tips in forums such as these.

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